Problems pertaining to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) can be frustrating to any property owner. There’s boiler, heat pumps, and furnace repair services you have to worry about, and you may feel helpless when issues crop up. The good news is that there are some HVAC issues that are, to some extent, avoidable.
Instant Aire Heating and Cooling is the expert to count on when it comes to HVAC repair service. Our years of catering to property owners have provided us with unique insights. We offer this list of preventable HVAC issues, as well as how to avoid them.
Dirty Air Filters
Dirty filters can lead to a decrease in HVAC efficiency and an increase in operating costs. Cleaning the filters, even on your own, helps you avoid the need for frequent ductless AC repair. If you are going to clean the filters yourself, be sure to check whether they are the washable variant and proceed accordingly.
Frozen Boiler Pipes
The condensate pipes in your gas boiler are at risk of freezing during winter, and when these pipes freeze, a boiler malfunction often follows. Pipe insulation can protect the pipes from freezing and can in turn improve the efficiency of your central heating system, but you do need to insulate before the temperatures drop. In doing so, you can also avoid paying for boiler repair services.
Restricted Airflow and Loose Hardware
Heat pumps require proper airflow to function properly. Ensure that your outdoor unit is not obstructed and inspect it for any debris or ice formation. If there’s a humming sound from your heat pump, the hardware might be loose and needs fastening. However, it might be time to contact our professionals for heat pumps repair if you hear squealing and grinding.
Regular Repairs
A number of the HVAC issues you’ll encounter can be prevented by regular upkeep. For instance, the likelihood of needing ductless AC repair can be reduced by having the unit routinely checked to make sure everything is functioning properly.
Need help with HVAC issues? Contact Instant Aire Heating and Cooling today.