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As fall hits full stride, it’s important to keep your HVAC system in peak condition. Otherwise, you might end up with a rather cold time!…

Indoor air pollution is a huge issue for most homeowners in Kentucky. Common reasons behind poor air quality at home include VOCs, carbon monoxide, radon,…

Your air conditioner is essential in maintaining indoor comfort because it regulates your home’s temperature. Issues with it make your abode quite uncomfortable and even…

When your home’s HVAC system starts to fail, it’s time to call on a dependable HVAC company. A word to the wise: Though you might be…

According to an estimate by the EPA, Americans, on average, spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors. This statistic prompts property owners such…

Your air conditioning system works hard to keep your indoor comfort in optimal levels, especially during the hottest months of the year. Since the AC…

Problems pertaining to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) can be frustrating to any property owner. There’s boiler, heat pumps, and furnace repair services you…

If you’re concerned about the air that your family is breathing, a call to Instant Aire Heating and Cooling may be in order. We’re qualified…

With summer in full swing, air conditioners are also working overtime. The thing is, air conditioners often break down in extreme heat, and it can…

Keeping a home livable whether in the summer heat or chilly weather is vital for your indoor comfort. HVAC systems with inconsistent or poor performance,…